We have the following information:

  1. The presale page, which contains the presale address:

    1. Presale page: https://www.pinksale.finance/launchpad/0x36CdFd953D469Ae9ce8805fCf8b05eEAfaf6329d?chain=BSC
    2. Presale address: 0x36CdFd953D469Ae9ce8805fCf8b05eEAfaf6329d
  2. The scam transaction:


  3. The victim transaction history:


  4. Metamask state log file:


  5. The user claiming they “press the contribute button, and the fund gone to a new random wallet”


  6. The transaction history on their phone:


  7. The user also initially claimed that they only used one device, but later said that they used 2 (PC and mobile)

Analyze the transaction and log file

In the MetaMask state log file, we found one transaction that was sent to the correct presale address:

Screenshot 2023-03-15 103807.png

    "id": "46275c60-c26a-11ed-a0f2-f70ee20142b7",
    "networkID": "56",
    "chainId": "56",
    "origin": "www.pinksale.finance",
    "status": "submitted",
    "time": 1678799721766, // Tuesday, March 14, 2023 1:15:21.766 PM UTC+0
    "transaction": {
        "from": "0xfccbf5ea52d4e7e16b9efe5a19fddcb624190a62",
        "data": "0xd7bb99ba", // "contribute" function name
        "gas": "0x2de05", // 187909
        "gasPrice": "0x12a05f200", // 5000000000 (5 gwei)
        "nonce": "0x5fd", // 1533
        "to": "0x36cdfd953d469ae9ce8805fcf8b05eeafaf6329d",
        "value": "0x9403e96db88690000" // 170650000000000000000 (170.65 BNB)
    "deviceConfirmedOn": "metamask_mobile",
    "verifiedOnBlockchain": false,
    "rawTransaction": "0xf8758205fd85012a05f2008302de059436cdfd953d469ae9ce8805fcf8b05eeafaf6329d8909403e96db8869000084d7bb99ba8193a05d3ce11cf93366d55b9f1513d1c2c9e4e7d64785cf5228b459da81120b02c3c8a0271bd0048658c9d1f3e492142b2a21447b726c8de118cf59f761f45e9d295481",
    "transactionHash": "0x2ad462cd745029a87a6e80f2cc85e2e2d3ee1e5a6ebc8c6532c69de9a90aeca2",
    "insertImportTime": false

(comments were added to convert hex values into decimals for easy viewing)

Some important information: